Thursday, October 21, 2010

Engagement Preview!

More to come soon, but here are a few of our engagement session pictures that our photographer placed on their blog.. if you want to see them all you can find them on their website..

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Dress before Alterations!

as most of you.. well some of you at least know... I lost my mom when I was eight years old.. ever since I was young I thought it would be a sweet gesture to wear my mothers gown down the aisle. Well now that the day has come for me to wear the white and go down the aisle I finally got to see the dress. It was pretty to say the least... except there were things about it I didn't like... like the sleeves. Ekk.. they were very 90s sleeves.

So... Mr. Zach's Grandma happens to be a seamstress so she is going to fix it so I can wear it down the aisle in 6 months! Bye Bye Sleeves...!
Here are some pictures from our first meeting.. what do you guys think?
I am thinking about getting a different dress for the reception- just a simple dress but I am not sure yet... advice from anyone who has had two dresses or do you think this one would look beautiful enough on me once it is done?
 The back of the dress...
 Front of the dress and me making silly faces at one of my maids of honors.
 the train with momma B and Zachary's grandma.
 sideways glance at it.
 another sideways glance at it.
 the sleeves..

Girls on Weddingbee were thinking I should get a poofy slip to go underneath it to make it more ball gown looking and I think I may get an aqua one for my something blue! :) It would save a lot more than buying another dress. :)
I am very excited for all of it. 
Now I have lots of other things to blog about!! More wedding related blogs to follow!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just another one of those weeks!

This week has been crazy as all get out. I have have zero chance to blog.. and boy do I have lots to blog about. Unfortunately it is going to probably have to wait until Friday.. for all of the big and important and wedding related amazing...ness....
Today I went to the doctor and got shots... OWW. I hate getting shots. They can be so painful sometimes. I have lots of new and exciting things coming up this week like Zach and my 3 year anniversary! Three years with my best friend.. oh goodness do I love this kid :). I also get to babysit, our save the date magnets are coming in the mail and I am determined to spruce them up a tad before they go into the mail..., We are picking out our wedding bands this week and I am also having a girls night on Sunday.. Bridal show and the movie Life as we know it.... Not to mention I start Powderpuff on Friday and I have small group tomorrow. Life never stops running...
This weekend is going to be full of things. I am hoping to blog tomorrow about my save the dates. Thursday about the anniversary [The actual date is Saturday, but we both have to work :( ] and then Friday about Small group stuff and Saturday about Babysitting and then of course Sunday about my girls night and then a special post about the wedding! This week is too blog-filled.
Tomorrow is also going to be a segment about our cake which I am very excited for... Speaking of which I am thinking I am going to email our Venue and see if we can just use a different cake maker and use their cake for another thing.... 
And I have to call Bruce..
Got lots to do tomorrow
Hope you all have a great week. Keep coming back.. Hopefully will post something exciting (or lots of somethings that are filled with excitement) within the next couple of days!