Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Adventures of Yesterday

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I woke up at 9 am. Which for the record wasn't really my choice. My body just decided to wake me up. So I got some stuff around for the garage sale we are having on Friday and I sat around. Zach called me at 9:30 and said he was going to come get me. So I took a shower and then we went to his house and watched tv. I had easy mac for breakfast :).
We then went and picked up Brandon. Brandon is Zach's little brother and can be a giant pain sometimes. Then we went to get Aubree and Kenzie who were both asleep when we got there. No surprise there. We dropped off Brandon at the dentist and then we drove to the movie theater. Jake was sitting on a chair waiting for us. 
We got tickets for......
It was amazing. It was hilarious. Emily and Paul were going to come see it with us but they didn't because they couldn't use his car. She wasn't very happy about it. and neither was anyone else. After the movie 7 people snugly fit in a five passenger car. We were extremely afraid of getting pulled over. 
After we went back to Zach's house. I started getting stuff around for the garage sale. Zachary Slept, Jake played Runescape, and Aubree was downstairs. Zach and I got in a little fight, but it got somewhat resolved.
Then Cassie came and we went to the food tasting at the Bluff for our reception.
The people who went with us:
Me- Bride
Zach- Groom
Jake- Best Man
Cassie- MOH
Aubree- MOH
Kayleen- Mistress of the Ceremony
Leo- Mister of the Ceremony
Tim- Dad of the Bride
The food was good and it went well. We saw my aunt and uncle who apparently make wedding cakes. We haven't seen them in a few years and it was nice to chat and see them again. During our tasting though Zach was being a little controlling.. and I didn't like it. Today we are going to sit down and discuss it as a couple. 
After the tasting Cassie, Aubree and I went to meijers. We bought lots of ice cream and food but we forgot poster board, stamps and looking for my grandma for a for real dog. oops xD
We got back to my house and my dad had the pop up outside set up for us.. YAY! 
We made cupcakes inside and then we came outside and frosted them. We colored and we just talked and talked. Then Cassie went to sleep and Aubree and I did something naughty.

We went and TPed our neighbors. Don't worry it was someone we both knew so we weren't afraid of them throwing a fit. But it was a lot of fun!
Afterwards we went to bed. 
That was my adventure of yesterday. Today is filled with lots of running around like chickens with our heads cut off kind of things.
But hopefully it will be good!
<3 <3 Let you know!

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