Sunday, August 8, 2010

He proposed... She said Yes!

Okay So I am going to tell you about our proposal story and how we met and all that fun jazz. :) First of all I am going to tell you how we met. :)

This is us. Only 14 years old. We look pretty silly and young :)
Our first date. I had short hair and he had braces.
We met our freshman year of high school. We had health class with Mrs. Egbert. He sat next to one of my best friends and I liked his red hair.He thought I was cute and shy (Boy how he was wrong!). So he and I started to talk to each other. We decided to go to homecoming together as dates. Neither of us taking it very seriously. Turns out we had a lot in common with one another and a lot that was completely different. We don't always get along. One of my favorite quotes comes from the notebook. 
"So it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. We're going to have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday"
He and I get on each others nerves sometimes. But we are committed to one another and we both know our feelings towards one another can overcome anything. 
So we dated for 2 and a half years. They had their ups and their downs. those years consisted of lots of parties, lots of fights, lots of happiness, lots of kisses and lots of I love yous. Then came April 27th 2010. It was a Tuesday. I was upset we were going out because I was tired and had work to do. But we went out anyways because it was important to him. We went to Arnies to eat. He had chicken fingers. After dinner we decided to eat ice cream and walk the dam. It was late and downtown was empty. Zach was acting funny. We stopped at the pavilion and he asked me to dance. Puzzled yet pleased, we danced. If I had any idea what was going on I quickly forgot about it as we kept walking. We talked about a lonely swan who wanted a wife and a family. Not an odd conversation for us. On our way back we stopped to look at the full moon. Zach asked me to come to him. He then said,"I've made you wait long enough...Tricia I love you and I want you to be my wife.. I asked your dad a question and now I am going to ask you one"... *gets down on one knee* "Tricia Lyn will you marry me?" Of course I said YES!
my beautiful ring!
  Well. Thats our story.
Whats your story?? 

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