Friday, August 27, 2010

With all my love...

Well Hello :)
I am gonna blog because my hunny is being a nerd and playing video games. haha. Yes I am marrying a gamer. I am thinking about making his 18th birthday cake or his groom cake into the shape of an Xbox 360. I think he would love it. :)
He is playing ruinscape right now... :P
Okay Zach.. If you are planning on ever reading my blog you need to stop now. I am discussing my dress!
So Wednesday I went with his mom to the store to try on a few bridal dresses to see which style we wanted to alter my moms as. We decided to add sleeves. they are really cute sleeves though. I will have to upload my pictures later with it. Right now it looks like a 90s dress when it is finished it will look amazing. 
Yesterday we bought paint, which of course isn't going to be used anytime soon. We thought we may be moving and I may be getting my own room, but that is not the case.
Today I babysat my cousins, Hailey, Chloe and Christian. They are really cute! I love them! Aubree came with me and we watched them until 12:30 in the morning. :) It was probably more like 1 am, but I lost track after midnight. We walked to the ice cream store and got ice cream. Yummy!
These past few days have been fun, yet crazy. I have had a lot on my mind and its been interesting.
We went to orientation on Tuesday and I got my senior schedule.
Here is what my first trimester looks like:
Business Tech
French 1
Senior Comp.
Algebra 3
Business Communications

I am looking at a pretty easy first trimester. We have been looking for a car for Zach recently too. His car would cost too much to fix so we have been on the lookout for a new one for both of us to take to college with us.. Neither of us were aware of how different our tastes in cars were until now. He wants an actual car. I want something a little higher off the ground. Something he calls a "Box pulled by a wagon". It has caused a few feathers ruffled, but we have gotten over it. Our 2nd purchase together... Our first purchase being our dining table of course! 
Our next wedding plans are to find a limo service and a DJ. after that we have to find floral arrangements, although we are trying to use as little flowers as possible. Not because I don't love them ( I do!) but because they are extremely expensive.  Well can be anyways. 
Sometime in the next week we have to have a sit down with my dad and see whether he wants to have alcohol there or not. (Neither of us are drinking so to us it doesn't even matter.. because neither of us can even have it).
I also have to get my dress fitted so Zach's (and my future) grandma can alter it for me.
I have to apply to GVSU and GRCC this week too. And we may apply to another school, but haven't figured it out yet.
There's a lot of not 100 percent sures yet. Hopefully they will all get solved.
Right now I know that Saturday I am cutting our paper for our invites. And on September 4th we are starting to create them! :)
I am with the man I love, I am graduating June 7th 2011, I have some amazing friends who support me and all in all I am not living an awful life. Sure there are things I'd like to change, but who doesn't?
I am in a pretty great mood.
I am really tired though.
Goodnight Blogger-world!

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